June 11, 2024 – Meeting Recap
Our May 14, 2024 meeting was cancelled due to no one but Janette could attend.
Attendance: Laura, Shiela, Julie C, Janette, and myself. Tonight we welcomed Julie C. She has been away at her Florida home for the winter. Laura hosted the group tonight and Janette was the leader.
Snacks and Wine:
Janette and her husband read a book not too long ago that really inspired them to do a 21 day challenge to increase their body flexibility to help them be better in anything that they wanted to do from walking, to biking, to any other sport – pickleball.
There were 10 key things to focus on that will help increase your flexibility. Janette did a fantastic job in explaining and demonstrating these exercises. It was like a instructional book report speech. Very educational! Tot he right is a summary of the 10 habits/exercises listed out. If you are interested in watching the video, please click the button below to request access via email. (This is not a publicly published video.)
#1. Getting Up and Down off the Floor
#2 Breathe Easy
#3 Extend Your Hips
#4 Walk This Way – Putting More Steps in Your Day
#5 Future-Proof Your Neck and Shoulders
#6 Eat Like You’re Going to Live Forever
#7 Squat
#8 Find Your Balance
#9 Create a Movement-Rich Environment
#10 Unleash Your Superpower: Sleep
Research Homework Assignments – Practice these 10 tips daily and see how much we improve. Buy the book yourself or join the 21 Day Challenge Yourself.
Next Topic: Gut Health
Topic next meeting will be meet Dr. Will Bulsiewicz (Dr. B) who focuses on Gut Health. Here is a little blub from his website.
Fact: Food is the #1 determinant of health and disease during your lifetime.
Over the years, you’ll eat a whopping ~80,000 pounds of it.
The good news? That means you get ~80,000 chances to make a great choice for your body and your life. Because research shows: Whether it’s digestion, metabolism, the immune system, or your mood — all thriving health begins in the gut.
And no matter where you are or what you’re struggling with?