Keeping Your Own Medical Records
Over your life you will probably see multiple doctors, pick or receive so many different perscription drugs, possible procedures, lab work, tests, maybe surgeries. If you are like me, it’s hard to keep track of this medical footprint. Often, you may have to see new doctors, or be forced to get service from somewhere else due to insurance issues. Let’s not even start on insurance issues. That’s a whole other story. But, the fact is that you and your family have to maintain these important documents to become your own advocate. It is also very important for someone else in your family or a close friend to have access to this information so that if you are unable to provide background, they will have it.
How do you document all this? That is a good question. I have started and stopped so many different methods to maintain a very detailed document of my history. Since I was born with problems, my starts on day one. My mom was very good about keeping these things when I was small, but as a young adult and now that she has passed, I struggle to keep up.
Find a system that works for you and stick with it.